
Okay, I gotta admit- I had a lot of fun messing with those old computers today. Back when I first took the A+ exams in 2000, I was in a much different place than I am now. I was only interested in the end result and was in too much of a hurry to enjoy the experience of working with computer systems. I think I was snobbish when the tech school I attended didn’t have cutting edge systems for me to explore and operate on. Now I can appreciate it a lot more.

I’m looking at the motherboard and trying to understand it, because even if it’s older tech it’s still a start. And I have to admit, working in my lab made me feel a bit like Tony Stark or Reed Richards (or maybe Forge- bonus points if you know who that is.) Being able to take apart, put together, and trouble-shoot a computer after 12 years of only using PCs to play games should count for something, right?

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